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Praise God you've found us! Welcome to our website. We are a Christian community where everyone is welcome. You matter to God and to us as well. If you are looking for a church dedicated to obey the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, you are at the right place. We have a celebrative type of worship where we focus our heart's affection and mind's attention to God. We worship Him in Spirit and in truth, with reverence and awe, biblical, and acceptable to Him. We are committed to fully obey the Great Commission--make, mature and multiply disciples and churches unto all the nations. I hope you and your family could visit us in one of our worship celebrations. You may also check out our small group schedule if you desire to grow as a devoted Christ's follower and transform your community. Find one nearest you or do the honors of hosting one at your home.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Pastor Armando De La Merced
May 02, 2024

Dear GFC Family,

Today, March 2nd, a Thursday, is the National Day of Prayer. The theme for this year's prayer focus is "LIFT UP THE WORD, LIGHT UP THE WORLD." Let us come together to lift up our nation and its leaders to God during these challenging times. Our God almighty, who promised to answer our prayers in Matthew 11:24 and James 5:16, calls us to pray in faith. He is our Lamp who will dispel our darkness, a Shield to all who trust Him, and His Word is truth (2 Samuel 22:29-31). To join us in prayer, go to https://meet.jit.si.gfcprayermeeting.

This weekend, let us come together to worship our LORD GOD who is infinitely great and incomparably glorious! Let us also prepare our hearts for the celebration of the Lord's Supper and for hearing God's Word proclaimed. I will preach the Word regarding KINGDOM LIVING: A Lifestyle of True Righteousness (Mt 5:17-20). In this text, Christ describes the way we live when we are under His reign. Not only we live by the ideal character of Kingdom Citizens and make a difference in people's lives for God as salts and lights, we also live in true righteousness through the grace of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. How is it possible for us to live such kind of life in a fallen world? Why care about personal and corporate integrity in life and in doctrine?

With you in reaching the nations for Christ,
Pastor Arman 

Prayer Meeting--- Every Thursday, 7:00 P.M. on https://meet.jit.si/gfcprayermeeting.
May 12th--Mothers' Day Celebration at GFC

April 25th

Dear GFC Family,

Praise be to our God who reigns in majesty, glory, and power! The Psalmist says, "The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad" (Psalm 97:1). He is on the Throne of the Universe reigning sovereignly, graciously and righteously and none can stop Him (Eph 1:11, Dan 4:35). We rejoice as His missionaries because the Great Commission will be fulfilled (Mt 6:10, 24:14; 28:18-20; Rev 5:9). He is in charge of closing and opening of doors for the Gospel (Col 4:2-3). He is the Lord of the Harvest who raises up workers for the harvest and who gives us breakthroughs in the harvest (Lk 10:2). We rejoice as His children for whatever we are going through, He causes all things to work together for good (Rom 8:28-30). 

This weekend, let us be glad in worshipping our great and awesome God! We will gather for worship, ministry, and in building up and encouraging one another. I will talk about, KINGDOM IMPACT COMMUNITIES (Mathew 5:13-16). In this scriptures, we will learn what it means to be the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. After describing to us the character and values of Kingdom Citizens, Christ gave us a vision of making a transformational and lasting impact to the world as His salts and lights. How do we align our Kingdom values with the Kingdom vision? The world is in big trouble because it is in trouble with God due to sin resulting in all kinds of evil, miseries, and condemnation. How do we make a lasting and widespread impact to families, communities, cultures and nations? What are its implications on our Discipling Communities and missionary efforts? Pray with me that God will give me the grace of speaking His Word that will magnify Him and change hearts and lives.

Until the fullness of His Kingdom comes unto all the nations,

Pastor Arman 

April 18th

Dear GFC Family,

Let's thank God for what He has done in the previous months: for His sustaining grace, for every answered prayer, for fruits of Mission Trips and evangelistic efforts, for new members, and for changed lives through partnerships in global missions. Let's keep on Making a Kingdom Impact as we together: prioritize God's Kingdom, proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom, and participate in advancing the Kingdom unto all the nations through praying, multiplying healthy disciples and churches, and mobilizing workers for the Kingdom. Brethren, "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal 6:9).

This weekend, we'll learn Christ's teaching on KINGDOM VALUES (part 2). In His Beatitudes, He laid down the marks of Kingdom Citizens and declared them blessed or profoundly happy. He gave us not a list of requirements to enter the Kingdom, but a pathway to discipleship for those who have entered the Kingdom. True children and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are poor in spirit, mourners over sin and evil, meek, and hungering and thirsting for righteousness. This Sunday, we'll learn the next marks: They are merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and persecuted for righteousness and for Christ's sake. How do we live out this values in a fallen, decaying, and dark world? What is its impact to the fulfillment of the Great Commission? Please pray for me that God will give me grace to deliver His Word clearly and dynamically. Pray also for listeners that the Holy Spirit will convict and transform their hearts and lives.

With you in demonstrating and proclaiming God's Kingdom unto the nations,

Pastor Arman 

April 19th -- SECRET CHURCH Training, GBC, 7 pm to 1 am.
April 20th -- GFC Leadership Team Meeting, B-117, 2 pm to 4 pm.

April 11th

Dear GFC Family,

Greetings in the Name of Yahweh Shalom! He is the God of Peace (Rom 15:33) who is with us always. He brought us into peace with Him through Christ (Eph 2:14-15). He produces the fruit of peace in us through the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). He gives us perfect peace in the midst of turmoil when we trust Him (Isa 26:3).

We learned last week that the Disciple's Model Prayer which our Lord Jesus teaches us, also gives us a pattern for Kingdom living that honors God and advances His Kingdom unto all the nations. Are we adjusting our lives that demonstrate the presence of God's Kingdom in our homes, in our church, and in our community? What's our action plan?

Join us this weekend in exalting our great and majestic God. I will preach the Word regarding, KINGDOM VALUES (Mt 5:1-16). The Sermon on the Mount begins with a list of Kingdom Values that characterize those who belong to God's Kingdom. It describes a healthy and profoundly happy disciple that God uses for Kingdom impact. How do we live out these values in a fallen world we live in? Is it even possible for us to live by those values? Why does it matter that every royal child should live according to royal values? What are the blessings of being a Kingdom Citizen? May the Spirit of the living God give us light of wisdom and understanding and grace to obey His Word. 

Blessed to be a blessing,

Pastor Arman 

April 4th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God celebrating with us the glorious and triumphant resurrection of Christ last Sunday. Indeed Christ is risen from the dead and because He lives, we have the assurance of our faith, we are experiencing His resurrection power, and we have confident hope of eternal glory and bliss in His presence. God bless you for praying, serving, helping, and inviting people to make this celebration a truly meaningful and memorable one.

This weekend, we are going to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Let's prepare our hearts by a) meditating on the scriptures such as Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:14-20, and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26), b) getting right with God through confessing our sins and by getting right with one another through forgiveness and reconciliation, and c) by anticipating Christ's return ready to meet Him as His pure Bride.

Let us come together to hear our God almighty speak to us through His inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word. I will talk about KINGDOM LIFESTYLE (Mt 6:9-13). Imbedded in Christ's teaching on prayer is His instruction on how we live as Kingdom citizens. What principles for Kingdom living could we learn from this text that demonstrates what it is like when God's saving and sovereign rule has come into our hearts through faith in Christ? How will submission to Christ's Lordship impacts our words, decisions, values, and deeds? May our Lord use this message to encourage us and empower us to live for and through Him.

Advancing God's Kingdom unto the nations.
Pastor Arman 

March 28th

Dear GFC Family,

What relationship does the church has to the world? The scriptures affirm that the church is a light that shines in a dark world (Phil 2:15). We are luminaries reflecting the Light of the World--Jesus Christ. The darker the world, the greater the need for us to shine as lights. Instead of cursing the darkness, let us then shine for Jesus1) by reflecting Christ's humility and love (vv1-8), 2) by doing His will with joy and for His good pleasure(v.13), 3) by living a consistent Christian life (v.15), 4) by doing all things without grumbling or disputing (v.14), and 5) by spreading the Word of Life (v.16). When we are shining for Jesus, those who are in the dark will be attracted to the Light and to His church. Let us also be a welcoming church for those taking refuge from this present evil and perverse world.

Celebrate Resurrection Sunday (EASTER) with us! Lifeway Research confirms that Easter is one of the high attendance church gatherings. The church is in the line during this season for unbelievers wants to know the evidence for the resurrection of Christ and experience the hope-giving, life-transforming power of it. For believers, "it is the day when most church members get to church--and for a good reason. No other theme is as profound to a Christian than celebrating that they died with Christ and as Jesus was raised to life so too Christians are now alive to God in Christ Jesus" (McConnell),

Never let anything get in the way for you to worship with us and hear God's inspired Word this weekend! I will preach the Word regarding "THE WONDERS OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION" (Mt 28:1-20; 1 Cor 15:1-8, 12-19). Is Christ's bodily resurrection a FRAUD, a FICTION, or a FACT? This message is for both believers and skeptics, the informed and the uninformed. Discover the amazing facts regarding Christ's resurrection and experience its life-changing power! Find out it's implication on Biblical Theology and Global Missions.

Anchoring our hope and faith in Christ's resurrection,

Pastor Arman 

March 22nd

Dear GFC Family,

When we gather for worship each Lord's Day, we celebrate Christ triumphant resurrection. However, during Easter holiday, we set aside this day of the year to have an emphasis on the fact and the power of Christ's resurrection. It will be next week! According to reports, people who don't usually come to church gatherings show up. Let us take this opportunity to pray, invest time to connect with, and invite our friends to our gatherings that they may hear the Good News of Christ. 

This weekend, I'm excited to proclaim God's inspired Word regarding, THE WONDERS OF CHRIST'S REDEMPTION (Mt 20:28; Eph 1:7; Acts 20:28; 1 Cor 6:19-20). A deeper understanding of who Christ is as our glorious Redeemer and of His work of redemption fascinates our minds, moves our hearts to worship, and compels us to proclaim His Good News to the world. In this message we will examine the amazing truths about Redemption: the meaning of it, the Source of it, the necessity of it, the blessings that flows from it, and the compelling power of it. May the Spirit of our God give us understanding of His Word and the grace to obey.

Glorying in nothing but the cross of Christ,

Pastor Arman 

March 14th

Dear GFC Family,

In this life full of troubles, miseries, and heartaches, we need friends who make life enjoyable and who lightens our burdens. There is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother (Pro 18:24). He is a faithful Friend who understands us most, walks with us through life's storms, counsels us and corrects us, helps us in times of need and trouble, and leads us always from victory unto victory. He is a constant Friend, a blessed Friend, a caring Friend, and a powerful Friend. Before He becomes your Friend, He must first be your Savior and Lord, for He is the Friend of Sinners (Mt 11:19). Friendship with Him is also a reward of loving obedience to His commands (Jn 15:14,15). There's no other Friend like Him--Jesus!

As Muslims pray and fast during Ramadan (March 10th to April 9th), let us unite in prayers to God Almighty for them: that God reveal His glory to them, that they gain access to the Gospel through our witness, that those who are experiencing crisis (wars, famine, disasters, tragedies) may find hope in Christ alone, and that they find forgiveness of their sins and salvation through faith in Christ alone.

Let us be glad and rejoice as we go into the house of the Lord this weekend! God calls us to be faithful in assembling ourselves together for worship, ministry, edification, fellowship, and encouragement. I will preach God's inspired Word on MAXIMIZING KINGDOM IMPACT part 3 (Jn 15:1-27). Embracing our destiny as Christ's chosen disciples to go in new places for bearing much fruit that honors God and advances His Kingdom unto the world has practical implications. How do we fulfill our destiny? How do we use the keys God has provided for Kingdom impact? What are its implications on discipleship, leadership, and moving forward as a church unto growth and expansion? What is its implication on fruitless branches (nominal Christians, cults, man-made religions, and agnosticism)? 

Abiding in Christ with You,
Pastor Arman 

March 7th

Dear GFC Family,

Let us ascribe to the LORD glory, praise and thanks for He reigns forever in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). Because He reigns in our lives, we practice righteousness, we enjoy peace with Him, within, and with one another, and we experience true and lasting joy in the Holy Spirit.

Pray with us every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. on https://meet.jit.si/gfcbiblestudy. We are a community of intercessors and worshippers committed to pray together as a House of Prayer for all the nations. This Thursday, we'll focus our prayers on North American Missions, and on reaching Muslims for Christ by praying for them during their Ramadan.

This weekend, I will preach the Word on, MAXIMIZING KINGDOM IMPACT part 2 (John 15:9-17). Every Christian or disciple of Christ is called by God to bear fruits that glorify Him such as Christ-like character, conversion of souls, and multiplication of disciples. Our Lord Jesus Christ instructs us how to live lives bearing the best quality fruits or Kingdom impact. Learn the keys to maximize your Kingdom impact, get released from a life of unproductivity and failure, and fulfill your God-given destiny for His glory. Please pray with me that the Spirit of God will use this message to inspire hope, convict hearts, and transform lives. Looking forward to seeing you all this Lord's Day!

With you in reaching the nations for Christ,

Pastor Arman 

February 29th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God for manifesting His presence in us and among us last Sunday during our worship celebration, for answered prayers, and for bringing us new guests. I thank God for the opportunity to attend a Church Planting Conference last Tuesday at Centerville Baptist Church.  

This weekend, we will once again celebrate the Lord's Supper in obedience to Christ's command and in remembrance of Him. May our hearts be filled with awe as we remember how our Sin-Bearer purchased our salvation through His precious blood and sealed the everlasting covenant of grace between God and us. May we delight in experiencing its power and blessings. May it encourage us to consecrate our entire being for His purposes and will.

Don't miss our message this Sunday. I will preach the Word regarding MAXIMIZING KINGDOM IMPACT -- part 1 (John 15:1-16). In this text, Christ is calling us to fulfill our God-given destiny of living our lives with maximum Kingdom impact. He says, "I have chosen you to go and bear fruits" (v.16). He instructs us on how we could live such kind of lives that glorifies the Father and proves our discipleship (v.8). How could we appropriate the reality of this life of God-honoring fruitfulness? What distractions to making an impact for the Kingdom do we need to eliminate from our lives? What are the fatal consequences of unfruitfulness in the Kingdom?

Abiding in Christ with you,

Pastor Arman 

February 23rd

Dear GFC Family,

Praise God who promised us, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb 13:5). It is most assuring for He Himself promised it to His children. Whether we are facing a challenge, a new undertaking that honors God, a great difficulty or need, God will never, never leave us nor never, never forsake us. God's promise is comprehensive, complete, and certain, thus, we have absolutely nothing to worry or fear about. Even as we obey the Great Commission, He will never leave us nor forsake us.

This weekend, let us prepare our hearts to worship our great and awesome God and to receive His Word. I will preach the Word regarding, PRAYING FOR THE SPREAD OF THE GOSPEL (2 The 3:1-5). There's power in prayer that enables the Gospel to spread rapidly from person to person and from place to place. Both faithful proclamation of the Gospel and fervent prayers for missionary success are essential in accomplishing God's mission to the world. How do we pray effectively for the church and for every Gospel proclaimers? Why is prayer and not money or resources, the greatest and most urgent need in missions today? What happens when the church rises up as mighty people of prayer? 

With you in prayerful dependence on God almighty,

Pastor Arman 

February 16th

Dear GFC Family,

Thanks for working together in continuing the ministries of our Church family while I'm away for a mission trip to the Philippines. Our preachers, Nate, Dr. J, and Micah, preached the Word well. Our children did an amazing job leading one of our worship celebrations. I felt the power of your prayers when I preached the Gospel in Cavite and equipped pastors and leaders in discipleship and in church planting in Davao. I know that Tom and Susan felt the same as they do Medical Missions in Ifugao.

This weekend, I will continue preaching the Word regarding Kingdom Impact Praying --THY KINGDOM COME (Matthew 6:10). Do you understand what praying, "Thy Kingdom come" means? We pray for temporal needs such as for our daily bread, for healing, comfort, protection, and the likes. There is nothing wrong with that prayer, for God is our good Father who delights in providing for our daily needs. However, we often neglect to pray for things of eternal value and that will benefit all the nations rather than just those within our family circle. Christ instructed us to pray a prayer of surrender to God's rule for ourselves and for the extension of this rule unto all the nations. It is vain to ask God all else without our daily and vital surrender to His Lordship. It is also a prayer of hope that a day is coming, when Christ returns, He will bring in the fullness of His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven and destroy the Kingdom of Darkness which includes sin, evil, death and Satan. 

Glad to belong to the Kingdom of Grace,
Pastor Arman 

February 10th

Dear GFC Family,

May our Lord Jesus Christ be praised for He is worthy! Our Father, Yahweh Elohim, has promised, "I will make Thy Name to be remembered in all generations; therefore shall the people praise Thee forever and ever" (Psalm 45:17). The spread of the fame of His Name is not left to human capability but to the hands of the omnipotent eternal God. His renown will continue to spread from generation to generation and will last forever. 

What a great way to make a Kingdom impact together in the first five weeks of this year! Thank God for the missions teams (both local and visiting), for the intercessors team, and for the senders team whom God has used in bringing at least 3, 209 precious souls into His Kingdom. There's a greater potential impact of more conversions to faith in Christ, revivals, and multiplication of disciple-makers and churches as follow up work is being done by local churches and as a result of equipping events such as Raising Kingdom Impact Disciples and Church Planting Trainings in Davao. The Medical Missions Team in Ifugao where Brother Tom and Sister Susan served did an amazing job of caring for the sick to heal their bodies and of sharing the Gospel for the healing of the soul. This is significant for the impact is eternal and it glorifies God!

Join me this weekend in worshipping our great and awesome God together. I will share God's inspired Word regarding, HOW TO PRAY FOR KINGDOM IMPACT (Phil 1:9-11). To be used by God in making a great Kingdom impact where we live and beyond, we must spend much time in intercessory prayer. In this message, we will learn that it is impossible to grow in Christian character and to be fruitful in the work of the Kingdom apart from faith-filled and fervent prayers. Movements of prayer lead to movements of revivals, renewals, and multiplication of healthy disciples and churches. Don't miss what the Spirit of God is revealing to us through His Word that will change our lives, our families, and our ministries.

With you in spreading the fame of His great Name,
Pastor Arman 

January 11th

Dear GFC Family

I can't wait to celebrate with you the 24 years of God's goodness and faithfulness to our church family this weekend! Let us tell the next generation what God has done and give glory to Him alone because, "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, they would be too numerous to count" (Psalm 40:5). Let's worship the LORD with grateful hearts for the great things that He has done in and through us in fulfilling the Great Commission. Let us move forward in faith towards making a greater impact for His Kingdom this year and beyond.

As we worship God Almighty this Lord's Day, may we listen attentively to the proclamation of His Word for us. Our message is on BECOMING A KINGDOM IMPACT CHURCH (selected scriptures). Hastening the fullness of the Kingdom of God unto all the nations is inseparable with the glorifying of God's Name (Mt 6: 9-10). When we are making a Kingdom impact, individually and as a church, we are hallowing God's Name. Any church, however small or weak, can be restored, tuned up, and built up into a healthy church that God uses to make a greater impact in the work of His Kingdom. What are the essentials for Kingdom impact where we live and wherever we go? How do we scale our impact to greater levels? What are the pathways to maximizing our impact in ministry and in missions? Pray with me that the Spirit of God will speak to our hearts and transform our lives through this message. 

To God alone be the glory,

Pastor Arman 

January 05,

Dear GFC Family,

Our Great Shepherd has led us into a great journey of faith towards spiritual growth and health in 2023. This new year, He opens up for us new challenges, new possibilities, and new opportunities "to see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, and to follow Him more nearly." His promised presence and help gives us courage, strength, and hope in whatever lies ahead (Deu 31:6; Heb 13:5-6). 

We can face the New Year with absolute confidence and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ! He came for the first time as the Lamb of God who takes away all sin through His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. He came since Pentecost to indwell us as the Hope of Glory in the person of the Holy Spirit to empower us in making a great impact for His Kingdom. He will return as the glorious King of Kings and Lord of Lords to finish the Great Commission, bring in the fullness of His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven--a Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit Rom 14:17). Let us fix our eyes on Him persevering in our faith for He is also the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2).

Never let anything get in your way in assembling ourselves together to worship our God almighty this Lord's Day. Let's start the year right by joining us for the first Worship and for the first Lord's Supper Celebrations of the year 2024. I will share with you God's Vision for us in 2024 -- TOGETHER MOBILIZED FOR GREATER KINGDOM IMPACT (Mt 6:10, 33; 24:14; 28:18-20). Without a vision from God, people perishes (Pro 28:19). A vision is a clear mental picture of what God desires to accomplish in and through us in the context of His Kingdom and of our local ministry where we live. It helps us keep on track with God's direction and unite us in pursuing Kingdom impact for His glory in the power of the Holy Spirit. What transformations could happen to each one of us, to our families and communities, and to our church when we work together in closing the gap between our present realities and our desired future? Pray that the Spirit of God will use this message to exalt Jesus and change lives. 

With you in making God's vision a reality,

Pastor Arman 

December 28, 2023

Dear GFC Family,

As we are about to end 2023 and welcome 2024, let us recall how God has shown us His grace, showered us with His goodness, and sustained us with His mighty hand. Let us leave behind our failures, our regrets, and our fears. Let us face 2024 with a joyful hope anchored in His promise "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you" (Deu 31:6). With His divine presence and help, we shall overcome whatever challenges and trials we will have from the beginning of the year 2024 to its end.

This weekend is our last worship celebration for the year 2023. I will give you a preview of God's vision for us in 2024 and how we could work together in translating that vision into reality. I will preach the Word on GOD'S PRECIOUS PROMISES FOR THE NEW YEAR (1 Peter 5:6-11). The Christian life is not always a life of comfort and ease. Trials resulting from loyalty to Christ is inevitable to believers. Sufferings, sorrows, and persecutions are matters of fact in our lives. Why does God allows us to go through those ordeals? How do we face the uncertainties and challenges of the New Year? What are the four blessings that the sovereign God has promised to His people who are going through trials? Never allow trivial things to hinder you from worshipping the Lord and hearing from His Word this Lord's Day.

Great is His faithfulness,

Pastor Arman 

December 21

Dear GFC Family,

Praise God for those who prayed trusting Christ as Lord and Savior during our Christmas Outreach Event. Seeing you pray for the salvation of your family and friends and watching God's hand moves in answer to prayers brings joy to my heart. As we engage our community with the Gospel this season and all year round next year, God will bring us a breakthrough. Winning souls for Christ demands our steadfastness, being immovable, and abounding in the work of the Lord. When we engage in this divine work, He will ensure us a great harvest of souls, "for our labors in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Cor 15:58). 

This weekend, December 24th, we'll hear about, CHRISTMAS IN MATTHEW AND LUKE. These Gospel writers were led and inspired by the Holy Spirit to give us an accurate, rich, and life-changing account of the birth of Christ. Exploring the magnificent story of Christ's birth sets the foundation of the Good news that brings great joy to all the people. It reminds us of the immeasurable love of God and His great mercy towards us sinners. Discover the significance of the incarnation (Christ coming to earth in human form). Learn how to share the story of Christ's birth and why was He born. Pray with me that the Spirit of God will use this message to point people to Christ this Lord's Day.  

The weary world rejoices, 
Pastor Arman

December 13th

Dear GFC Family

Our Glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ "came to seek and to save the lost" at Christmas (Lk 19:10). Let us join Him in His mission this Christmas season by bringing our family and friends whom we are praying for to our Christmas gatherings at GBC Fellowship Hall, on December 15th at 6:30 P.M., December 16th at 6:00 P.M., and on December 17th at 11:30 A.M. In this regard, I encourage you to: 1) Look up to God who has power to change hearts and answer prayers, 2) Look for opportunities to engage our community with the Gospel: cultivate friendships, serve them, show them the love of Christ, invite them to our gatherings, and share our testimony and the Gospel to those who are ready to hear, and 3) Look after those who trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior, those who showed interest to learn more about Him, and we'll continue encouraging even those who did not respond to Christ.

Let me introduce to you our guest evangelist this week. He is Pastor Edward Johnson who lives in Huntsville, Alabama. He is married to Lynn and blessed with two children. He served as pastor in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. He and his wife served as International Mission Board missionaries to the Philippines. God is using Him as passionate Evangelist, great Bible Teacher and Preacher, and Pastor to Pastors. He's been our missions partner in the Philippines since 1991 ministering to churches in Cavite, Antipolo, Pampanga, Iloilo, Negros, Leyte, and Palawan. Yearly, he is bringing missions teams from the U.S. to the Philippines. He and his team keeps coming back to the Philippines because of their love for Filipino people. By God's grace, thousands were led to a saving relationship with Christ, countless Church leaders and workers trained, and many churches have been planted. This week, let us welcome him with a warm GFC welcome and pray that the Holy Spirit may use him in proclaiming the Gospel with power and freshness. 

With you in spreading the Gospel Light this season,
Pastor Arman 

December 8th

Dear GFC Family,

Christmas is indeed the most wonderful season of the year that is worth celebrating! It is about the grand story of how God fulfills His plan of redemption in history beginning in Genesis where He promised to send Christ who is the Savior of the world, to Revelation where Christ returns as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This season, let us reflect upon the deep truths of our faith in Christ--His wonders, His message, and His mission. Let us spread His Gospel light to people which brings great joy, light of hope and peace with God.

One of the reasons why this season is truly wonderful is it gives us opportunities to share the Gospel to people in our community. Thus, well have a Christmas get-together event on December 15th at 6:30 P.M., December 16th at 6:00 P.M., and on December 17th at 11:30 A.M. at the Fellowship Hall. We'll celebrate the coming of Christ through joyful songs of praise and Christmas carols. We'll hear testimonies of salvation, and the Good News of Christ through Brother Ed Johnson who is our guest evangelist. In this regard, let us keep praying for people on our Operation Andrew cards, then invite or bring them to our Christmas gatherings on the said dates. Invitation cards will be given this Sunday. Let me know also about your contacts who might be interested to know more about Jesus. We'll visit them during the week to serve them in Christ and to share the Good News. 

This weekend, I will talk about CHRISTMAS IN ISAIAH. Many people today doesn't know Christ and why there is Christmas. Others who professed to know Christ are caught in the busyness of the season robbing them of the true essence of Christmas. What is Christmas in the perspective of the prophet Isaiah? What profound, glorious, life-changing truths about Christ is he revealing to us today? How do we respond to these truths? Find out this Lord's Day. 

Come let us adore Him,

Pastor Arman

December 01

Dear GFC Family,

Are you ready for Christmas? It is truly the most wonderful season of the year for good reasons. It is about the grand story of how our glorious Savior and King Jesus Christ came from glory through the grand miracle of incarnation (Isaiah 7:14;9:6; John 1:1,14) bringing life, love, hope, peace, and joy. It gives us a great opportunity to share the Good News that brings great joy to all people (Luke 2:10-11). It makes our hearts marvel and fired up this season and all year round by meditating on the facts of Christ's glorious person, character, and mission. it is far beyond empty religious tradition or seasonal holiday centered on festivities. It is about the magnificent story of God's love who gave us the Greatest Gift--His Only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Join us in making this Christmas the best one for the glory of God: Let us 1) Pray for the salvation our lost loved ones and friends using the "Operation Andrew" cards, 2) Love our neighbors by blessing them [B.L.E.S.S means Begin in prayer, Listen to the Holy Spirit, Engage the lost, Serve them, and Share your story and the Gospel], 3) Invite family and friends to our gatherings such as small groups, fellowships, worship services, and evangelistic nights on December 15 and 16th, and Christmas at Grace celebration and Gospel proclamation on December 17th. Let us spread the Gospel Light from our homes and church fellowship to the dark corners of the community where we live and beyond.

This first Sunday of December, we'll celebrate the Lord's Supper and worship God together. I will proclaim God's inspired Word regarding -- CHRISTMAS IN GENESIS (Genesis 3:15). The grand story of Christmas begins in Genesis where God promised to send "The Seed" of the woman who will crush Satan's head and set-free humanity from the guilt, bondage, and power of sin. The Christmas message is not sentimental but subversive as it involves spiritual warfare against sin and evil and Christ ultimate victory at the cross, through His church, and at His second coming. What Gospel facts do we learn from this scripture? What encouragements does Christ have for us this Christmas season? Hear what the Spirit of God is saying through His Word this Lord's Day. 

For the fame of His Name,

Pastor Arman 

November 22

Dear GFC Family,

As Thanksgiving approaches, let us remember what God has accomplished in and through us and give Him thanks and praise. I'm thankful to God for the grace of spiritual maturity that is manifesting in your life and for your selfless service and generosity that helps our church family move forward and make an impact for His Kingdom. Let us remember that Thanksgiving is not centered on food and gatherings, but on God for His wonderful works in and through us.

In preparation to our Christmas Outreach on December 14th to 17th, I will introduce to you "Operation Andrew" this Sunday. We'll begin praying for our unsaved loved ones and friends that they will come to saving relationship with God through faith in Christ alone. Then, we'll gather them to hear the Gospel message in our homes and during our Evangelistic Services (December 15th to 17th). This could be our best Christmas ever since Christmas is a time for salvation -- that people may hear the Good News that brings great joy! 

This weekend, I will talk about GOD IS WORTHY OF OUR THANKSGIVING (Psalm 100:4-5). Thanks- giving is highly Theological. The greater we know and understand who God is and what He has done for us, the more grateful we become. What are pathways to becoming a people with grateful hearts? How do we overcome the habit of complaining? What is the impact of being thankful to God always in your life and to those around you? Find out, this Lord's Day and don't miss your opportunity to worship God and to build up one another.  

Forever grateful to Christ,

Pastor Arman 

November 17th

Dear GFC Family,

In view of the upcoming Thanksgiving Day on November 23rd, let us accept the Gratitude Challenge in Psalms 105:1, "Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make known his deeds among the peoples." Thanksgiving is a command of Yahweh that we obey daily in times of comfort and in times of trial and difficulties. It is an attitude of the heart (Col 2:6-7). We are to remember His wondrous deeds and call upon His Name to express our gratefulness: for His saving grace, for His provisions, for His strength, and for all His blessings. He also instructed us to tell his deeds among the peoples of the world who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to talk to others what we are thankful for and make known the One to whom we owe everything. It will impact both your life and the listeners.

This weekend, I will finish our series on End-Time Prophesies with a message on ALL THINGS NEW (Revelations 21). God gave us a preview of the future eternal glory of those who belong to His Kingdom. He said, "Behold, I am making all things new" (Rev 21:5). The end of history is God's triumph over all evil, the demise of Satan and those who rejected Christ, and the believers' dwelling with God for eternity in heaven -- a place of unspeakable beauty, holiness, perfection, and glory. What will anchoring your hope on this blessed fact guaranteed by Christ's death and resurrection do to you today? How does it affect your purpose for living? Find out answers from the Word this Lord's Day. Bring your family and friends to worship the LORD with us.

Thankful to God for you all,
Pastor Arman 

November 09,

Dear GFC Family,

This Veterans weekend, let us thank God for those who served in the military to keep our freedoms. Let us pray for those injured, those suffering from various ailments such as PTSD and depression., and many in our area who need salvation and hope in Christ alone. 

After our worship service this weekend, from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., our Leadership Team will meet to plan for 2024. We need your participation in a Spirit-Led Strategic Planning process to know where God wants us to be next year and find your role or ministry to reach our God-given goals.

I am glad to be with you this weekend in the house of the Lord to worship Him who is faithful and true! We will hear God's Word proclaimed regarding -- FACTS ABOUT THE JUDGMENT DAY (Acts 17:30-31). The certainty of Divine Judgment is a sobering thought for all of us whether you are a faithful believer and follower of Christ or you are an unrepentant sinner. If we live our lives with a perspective that one day God in Christ will judge us, it will change the way we live now. What will happen to you when you appear before the Throne of Christ to be judged? Will you rejoice or will you be one of those to whom Jesus will say, "Depart from Me" (M7 7:21-23)? Will you be clothed with the robe of righteousness, or will you be naked, ashamed, and terrified? Will you hear Jesus say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant"? How do we prepare for that day appointed by God? 

Shabbat shalom,

Pastor Arman 

November 02

Dear GFC Family,

Praise God, our Safe Shelter who will "cover you with His pinions, and under His wings is a safe refuge" (Ps 91:4)! We have no fear in life and in death, as well as in trials and in troubles, for He shelters us for protection, provision, and preservation. He upholds us with His victorious right hand (Isa 41:10; 43:2). Let us flee to Him for refuge, and trust His providence and grace.

This weekend, I will preach the Word regarding the certainty of Christ's return -- LOOKING FOR OUR BLESSED HOPE (Titus 2:11-14). Christ promised us that He will return in power and glory at His own time, and He commanded us to watch and get ready any moment. The angels and the Apostles proclaimed this fact to comfort, encourage, strengthen, and motivate us to be awake and be zealous in spreading the Good News to our neighborhoods and to all the nations. Discover what God says about this momentous event in the future and why it is called our blessed hope. What should be our attitude towards Christ's return? How will it affect our priorities and way of living? Don't miss coming together for worshipping our great and awesome God this Lord's Day, "as you see the day drawing near" (Heb 10:25).


Pastor Arman 

October 26th

Dear GFC Family,

I thank God for the birthday greeting cards I've received from you all and for your encouragements during this Pastors' Appreciation month. To God be the glory for the things He has done in our midst through the years. May He continue to guide, strengthen, and sustain us as we move forward in faith in fulfilling the Great Commission.

May I invite you to our Planning Meeting on Saturday, October 28th, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at room B117. Help us discern God's will for our church regarding plans for November and December 2023, and also for 2024. We need your prayers and participation in a Spirit-Led Strategic Planning.

This weekend, I will talk about a hard but most needed message about God and your soul -- PREPARE TO MEET YOUR GOD (Amos 4:1-13). Today's people need to hear this message: church members, backsliders, unbelievers. One day, we will face God and we will all give an account to Him for how we lived our lives. No one escapes that day for it is appointed unto man to die once and after that, the judgment. What constitutes being prepared to meet God? Let's hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to us this Lord's Day. 

For the spread of the fame of His Name,
Pastor Arman 

October 19th

Dear GFC Family,

Praise and thanks be to our Lord and glorious redeemer Jesus Christ! In His mighty Name we conquer and move forward. We are co-laborers with Him in building His church. Through your prayers and faithful ministry, our church family is moving towards becoming a healthy church, revived, renewed, and revitalized for missions. 

I am inviting you all for a Planning Meeting next Saturday, October 28th, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at room B-117. We need your wisdom and participation in this meeting to discern God's will on how to finish strong in the last quarter of 2023, chart where God is leading us for 2024, and find your area of ministry where you can help our church family move in that direction. Let me know if you are available for this important meeting by texting "Yes" to me at 5712326203..

This weekend, I will talk about the truth about, THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH (1 Thes 4:13-18; 1 Cor 15:50-58). One of the glorious event in the end times is the rapture of the church. It is a reality revealed to us by God in His Word that could impact the way we live today. What is the rapture? What will happen on that day? Why is this truth tremendously encouraging, hope-giving, comforting, and strengthening to all believers in Christ? How do we become rapture ready?

In His grip and grace,

Pastor Arman 

October 14th

Dear GFC Family,

Greetings in the mighty Name of Jesus, who is our Immanuel and soon coming King!

This weekend, I will talk about SEEK GOD FIRST (Mt 6:24-34). Christ teaches us to live by the divine principle of seeking first God's Kingdom and His righteousness in all things we do. The Christian life is radically different from the world's way of living. We put God on top of our priority by passionately seeking to advance His Kingdom and by magnifying His righteousness. It is the cure for worry, a strategic program and a system of priority for success in all our endeavors. How does it look in our schedule, family life, workplace or school, and church? Why is living according to this principle difficult in a culture obsessed with things? How do we apply this truth in this digital age of technology? Find answers from God's inspired Word this Lord's Day. Pray with me that the Lord will use this message to change our lives that changes others.

Honoring the Supreme Lord with you, 

Pastor Arman

October 5th

Dear GFC Family,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is unstoppable in building His church!

Thank God for finishing our series on the Twelve Traits of a Healthy Church! Though we haven't bounced back yet to our pre-pandemic state, and though our environment to live as Christ-followers is becoming more harsh and more dangerous, we will keep moving forward. Here's why: 1) Christ not only gave us the grace of salvation, but also a global purpose of making disciples unto all the nation. He gave us a mission which is divine, urgent, and doable, 2) He instructed us to abide in Him, to pray, to love one another, to evangelize the lost, to disciple and equip the saved, build and multiply healthy churches where we are and to the nations, and 3) He who is with us always has risen from the dead, victorious over all, omnipotent, and unstoppable. We must abide in Him and obey His commands in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through Him, we are more than conquerors! 

Let us come together for worship, edification, ministry, and fellowship this weekend (Heb 10:25; Ps 122:1). Let us bring our families and friends to celebrate God's unsearchable greatness and abundant goodness and mercy. I will speak God's Word about, LONGING FOR A GOD-SENT REVIVAL (Acts 1-2). Our text this Sunday gives us a biblical paradigm for God-sent revivals. The phenomena experienced by the early church leading to healthy church development and spiritual multiplication of healthy disciples and churches can happen to us and to any church today. How do we pray for revival? What does it take to have true revivals? How do we experience it personally? How could it spread to the entire church and beyond? 

With you in trusting Him to do the impossible,

Pastor Arman 

September 28th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God for what He is doing through SBCV (Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia) family of churches! We are not alone in church planting, in church revitalization, in missions mobilization and other ministries to reach our neighbors and the nations with the Gospel. Last year, 92 new churches were planted, of which, 27 were people group focused. Together, we were able to engage 93 new people groups through the IMB. This year, at the Annual Homecoming on November, we will hear more reports and we will celebrate what God has done.

This weekend, let us come together for worship, Lord's Supper, fellowship and edification. I will proclaim God's Word regarding BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP (Acts 2:42,43, 6:1-7, 20:28; 1 Tim 3:1-13). The twelfth trait of a Healthy Church is leadership that follows God's criteria and design. The unhealthy state of churches today is a reflection of the unhealthy state of their leaders. What are the qualifications and spiritual gifts necessary for spiritual leadership? Why is it crucial for members to know these criteria for leadership before ordaining or installing their leaders into their ministry? How do church members work with their leaders in making disciples and in planting churches unto all the nations? What happens to a church that doesn't care for their leaders' character, beliefs, calling, and roles? Let's hear what the Spirit of God is saying through His Word this Lord's Day.

For the fame of HIS Name,
Pastor Arman 

September 21st

Dear GFC Family,

The Enriquezes are back on the mission field last Thursday, September 20th. Let's thank God for calling them and for how He will use them mightily in reaching the unreached peoples. Join me in interceding for them daily for wisdom, strength, and provisions in carrying out the Lord's mission. Let us thank God also for 146 new cross-cultural missionaries that have been commissioned by the IMB to go overseas last September 15th. You have a part in sending them through missions giving.

I am looking forward to worshipping our LORD with you all this Lord's Day. My message is about BIBLICAL GIVING (Acts 2:44,45; 4:32-35; 1 Cor 16:1-2; 2 Cor 8:1-9). God designed His church to be financially self-supporting. Members are growing into maturity in the stewardship of their finances, and they practice generous giving of their time, talents, and treasures to be used for God honoring purposes such as building disciples, reaching sinners with the Gospel, sending missionaries and church planters, and ministering to the needy. What are the biblical principles on Christian giving that God instructed us to apply? What happens when we faithfully give?

For spreading the fame of His Name,
Pastor Arman 

September 14th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God, Fall season is around the corner, and we have come this far by His grace! He has blessed us with everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) -- to grow in Christian maturity, to be united in His mission of making disciples unto all the nations, and to persevere in our journey with Him on our way to heaven.

One of the traits of a healthy Church is biblical prayer. In this regard, I invite you to pray with us every Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Zoom (see the link below).

Join us this weekend in worshipping our great and awesome God. I will preach the Word regarding, BIBLICAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND DISCIPLINE (Acts 2:20; Mt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 5:1-13; Gal 6:1). This is one of the traits of a true church. Since our God is holy and He is the God of Truth, He desires His church to be pure in life and in doctrine. He instructs us how to guard the church from the virus of sin and false teachings through accountable relationships and discipleship. He also teaches us to love one another enough to call a brother or a sister in Christ who have fallen into the deceitfulness of sin to repent and come back to Christ. In a world where it is offensive and unloving to tell others that what they believe or do is wrong, how do we obey God on this matter of accountability and church discipline? What specific steps and stages do we need to take for such action? What happens to a church which faithfully obey God in this area? 

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope (Rom 15:13).

Grateful to God for you,
Pastor Arman

*** Prayer Meeting  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79238294277?pwd=8oyMXcTONMfMahMI89b52ZiVr11I0i.1
     Meeting ID: 792 3829 4277; Passcode: 1016

September 07

Dear GFC Family,

Thanks be to our God Almighty for every blessing He is pouring out to us! His power is at work in us: answering our prayers, transforming us from glory to glory, renewing our strength daily, overcoming all obstacles, and one day He will resurrect our bodies into glorious and immortal ones. May you experience His power in your life today as you follow His will. 

This weekend, I will preach the Word regarding BIBLICAL FELLOWSHIP (Acts 2:42-47; Heb 10:24-25). The fellowship of God's people, redeemed and transformed by grace, united in the Spirit, is far and beyond mere friendship or enjoying one another's company. God has called us into fellowship with Him with His Son, and with one another (1 Cor 1:9; 1 Jn 1:3,6,7). How important is it to our spiritual growth, health and witness? How does it look like? Why would we desire to fellowship with our brethren more frequently? What challenges are we encountering in fellowshipping with one another today? Find out what God is saying to us through His Word this Lord's Day. 

Our sufficiency is in Him,
Pastor Arman 

August 31

Dear GFC Family,

Let us thank God for a joyful Picnic Fellowship and Children's Sunday School Celebration last Saturday, August 26th, at Kahns' Property. I'm blessed and encouraged in seeing you worship with us last Sunday. Worship helped us focus on the greatness of God whose presence is real in us and among us. 

This weekend, we will hear God's Word regarding BIBLICAL PRAYER (Acts 2:42; 6:4; Rom 12:12; Col 4:2). A praying church is a healthy church. Steadfastness in prayer is what we need. It is where our strength lies, a weapon that destroys the strongholds of the enemy, crucial to accomplishing God's work, revival, perseverance, and victory. Why is corporate prayer being sidelined by Christians and churches? How do we overcome the sin of prayerlessness? What do we learn from the early church about their Prayer Meetings? Pray that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Prayer, will use this message to create a hunger for prayer among us. Looking forward to worshipping our LORD and to celebrating the Lord's Supper with you all, this Lord's Day.  

For more and healthier churches,
Pastor Arman 

Pray with us Thursdays @ 7 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 792 3829 4277
Passcode: 1016

August 24

Dear GFC Family,

I thank God for those of you who served during our Worship Celebration and at Children's Sunday School last weekend while my wife and I were away for a three day Refresh Retreat at the Cove in North Carolina. Looking forward to worshipping our great and awesome God this weekend, August 27th.

Our hope lifter this week is in Nehemiah 9:6 where the prophet prayed, "O God, strengthen my hands." We are not immune to problems, frustrations and attacks. However, we can ask God for strength: to restore strength, to maintain integrity, to finish the work God has called us to do, and to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Our God can do that today for you for whatever challenge you are facing.

I can't wait to preach the Word to you this weekend on BIBLICAL PREACHING AND TEACHING (Acts 2:42; 20;27; 2 Tim 3-4). A healthy church is a community of disciples who are formed by the Word, awed by the Word, instructed in the Word, and living according to the Word. The preaching and teaching of the Word is being denigrated and neglected today. Because of which, churches suffer from spiritual starvation, become unhealthy and an easy prey to Satan's lies and deceptions. A healthy church, on the other hand, faithfully and passionately preaches and teaches the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, sufficient, and authoritative Word of God. Learn the power of the Word of God and the reasons why biblical preaching and teaching is central to the life of a healthy church. See you all this Lord's Day and bring someone with you who might need this message.

In His grip and grace,
Pastor Arman 

Note: Fellowship Get Together this Saturday, August 26th, starting at 11:00 am, at 13112 Kahns Road, Manassas, Virginia, 20112. Please bring your beach chair or camping chair.

August 18th

Dear GFC Family,

Let us be encouraged by this truth -- "Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God" (Deu 7:9). Because He who is with us is faithful, let us praise Him (Ps 89:1,5,8), keep on praying (Ps 143:1), and be filled with confident hope that He will do everything that He promised to do (Heb 10:23). Let this truth dispel our worries, anxieties, and fears, for His faithfulness is unto all generations (Ps 119: 89-90). He never fails, falters, nor forgets!

Praying with you all that our LORD will manifest His glorious presence as you gather for worship this weekend. Leila and I are attending a Refresh Retreat for pastors and wives at the Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove until this Sunday and we'll be back to Virginia in the evening that same day. Pray for Brother Micah as he delivers to our church the Word of God
on Biblical Worship part 2 in the area of Thanksgiving.

In His step,
Pastor Arman 

August 10th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God almighty for His fresh move in our midst in answer to our prayers! Isaiah invites us to call upon the LORD whose hand is not too short to save and whose ear not too deaf to hear our prayers (Isaiah 59:1). If our prayers are not being answered by God, the problem is not His but ours. It's not His inability but our iniquity that blocks the flow of His mercies and blessings to us. Let's trust Him who is more than able to answer our prayers (Eph 3:20-21; Jer 32:17; 33:3). Before we pray, let's make sure that we confess our sins to God (Ps 66:18). Then, He will deliver us from any crisis, bring salvation to those who are far from God and reach the unreached peoples, and help us in times of distress and pain.

Don't miss church this weekend! Our assembling together in Christ's Name is essential to our worship, fellowship, service, and edification. This Lord's Day, we will hear the Word preached from Pastor Victor Dela Cerna. The Lord has used him to bless our church, He will use him again this weekend. His message is about BIBLICAL DISCIPLESHIP (Acts 2:43-47). As God transforms us through discipleship, He uses us as His transforming agents to the world we live in. Discover biblical principles on discipleship and pray with me that the Holy Spirit will use this message to change your life and mine for His glory.

Glad to be worshiping and serving the LORD with you,
Pastor Arman 

August 03

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God for the opportunity He has given us to partner with missionaries on the field such as Brother Sonny and Sister Cecille. Last weekend, we not only heard God's Word about Biblical Missions from real missionaries, but we also learned about missionary life and what God is doing in His mission. Let's pray for breakthroughs in reaching the unreached peoples through cross cultural missionaries we are partnering with. Let us also obey whatever our Lord is prompting us to do in missions and to go wherever He is leading us to go.

This weekend, we will celebrate the Lord's Supper and I will preach the Word regarding, Biblical Observance of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Acts 2:38-46;1 Cor 11:17-34). A healthy church is true to the Gospel of Christ and is faithful in the observance of the ordinances that Christ have instituted--Baptism and Lord's Supper. These characteristics delineate a true church against impostors. What do these ordinances mean and why every believer/disciple of Christ must obey them? How does a distorted view of the Gospel manifests through improper observance of the ordinances? Learn what God's inspired, authoritative, and inerrant Word says in this matter this Lord's Day. 

For the fame of His Name,
Pastor Arman 


1. We encourage you to join our Small Groups. You will grow as an authentic, devoted, multiplying Christ's follower in the context of a loving Christian community. Healthy disciples make up a church that impacts the world for Christ.
2. We love to have you in our Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 7:00 pm at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 86283613341 (Passcode:4321). Our God is worthy to be sought in prayer. He helps us become a praying church with prayer-energized lives and ministries, making breakthroughs in world missions.
3. We would like you to belong to our Church Family. Sign up to our Discover Membership at GFC seminar. Know who we are as a church family, how we make an impact in people's lives, and how you can be a part of it.
4. We would like you to grow in Christ-likeness, strong in the faith, useful and victorious. Sign up to our Discover Spiritual Maturity workshop. Learn our vision to grow Christ-like, obedient, strong and fruitful disciples. Learn a simple pathway to Christian maturity.
5. We would like you to develop a servant heart. Sign up for Finding Your Ministry at GFC workshop. Find the joy of serving the Lord using your God-given abilities and gifts. Discover ministry opportunities where you can serve with effectiveness and impact.